Reflections on the text for The Baptism of Our Lord - Matthew 3:13-17
Read the text here: Matthew 3:13-17
This is my Son, the beloved, with whom I am well pleased…
The year 1521 was an important and
dramatic year for Martin Luther. This is
the year that Luther stood before the assembled German nobility along with the
Holy Roman Emperor and refused to recant his teachings and writings. “Here I stand…” he is quoted as saying. Immediately following this exhilarating
moment Luther was bundled out of the city of Worms and secured in a lonely
castle called the Wartburg. There he
languished for almost a year, alone. To
pass the time he took on the task of translating the New Testament into German,
but the solitude was very difficult for him.
He was immediately beset by doubts and fears and he felt that he was
being attacked by demons who kept up a steady chorus of whispering words of
criticism, condemnation and self-loathing.
As the time went on the voices got louder and more intense until finally
(as the story goes) Luther picked up the bottle of ink and threw it across the
room at his accusers – “I AM BAPTIZED!”
He cried! And the accusers
scattered. Thereafter whenever he felt
beset he would simply cry out – “I AM BAPTIZED!”
In our Gospel text from Matthew we
meet again John the Baptist who is calling the people to repentance and
baptizing them in the River Jordan.
Today Jesus appears to be baptized by John. At first John refuses, but eventually
agrees. As Jesus is coming up out of the
water the Holy Spirit rests upon Jesus in the form of a dove and a voice from
heaven speaks – “This is my Son, the beloved, with whom I am well
pleased.” Then Jesus is led into the
wilderness to be tested and tempted by the devil. “If you are the Son of God…” cries the devil,
“then turn these stones into bread… throw yourself down from here… worship me
for only I can give you glory.”
In his baptism Jesus’ identity as
the Son of God is confirmed and affirmed.
But immediately that identity comes under attack. “What does it mean that you are the Son of
God,” whispers the accuser, “Doesn’t it mean you can do anything you want; that
you are so powerful that you can create your own food out of these stones? Doesn’t it mean that you can throw off this flawed
and vulnerable humanity that you have taken on and never have to worry about
mortality? Doesn’t it mean that you are deserving of glory and power and wealth
and majesty?” And to these questions, to
these attacks Jesus answers a simple – No – that is not what it means! You can almost hear an echo in Jesus’
response of Luther’s “I am baptized!”
For to be baptized is to be
affirmed as a child of God, a part of God’s family. Jesus’ identity was affirmed and confirmed by
the voice of God that spoke from the heavens.
This identity is absolute and never changing. No matter what sinister voices attempt to
drown out of the voice of God, no matter what challenges to this identity come
his way (and we know there will be plenty of those to come), it all comes down
to this simple affirmation – You are my
son, the beloved, with you I am well pleased… - and nothing can change that!
This is true for us as well. We too receive our identity at our
Baptism. We become children of God –
sons and daughters of God. This is our
most important identity in life and it is never changing. Throughout our lives we will have struggles
and challenges to contend with and our identity in the world may shift and
change – but our identity as children of God – as beloved sons and daughters of
God – will never, ever change. It is on
this that we can depend. The voice of
God speaks at our Baptisms as well – “This is my beloved daughter, my beloved
son, with whom I am well pleased.” For
in our Baptisms we are baptized into Christ and our identity is in him. In our baptisms we are called to see not only
ourselves as part of God’s family but all others who are also Baptized and whom
God has also called to be part of God’s family.
But also like Jesus who immediately
had his identity attacked, we too must contend with attacks on our identity as
children of God and voices that attempt to undermine this identity and
calling. As children we sometimes hear
voices that tell us that tell us we are not smart enough, or not pretty enough,
or not talented enough, or not cool enough.
As teens, we hear the voices of bullies and those who resort to violence
putting us down, calling names; we hear voices pushing us to do things we know
are wrong in order to be accepted. As
adults we struggle with those voices that tell us we are not successful enough,
or we don’t have enough stuff, or we’re not attractive enough, or have enough
money, or we really do need that drink in order to fit in or to relax. Our identity as God’s children comes under
vicious attack from the very moment we are Baptized and we forget that God has
already given us an unchangeable identity, a foundation of grace and love that
can provide us with direction and strength.
“I AM BAPTIZED!” Not, by the way,
“I was baptized” but “I AM
BAPTIZED!” And this affirmation reminds
us of who are and whose we are.
And not only us, but many, many others
are also claimed as beloved children of God.
We can easily begin to focus so much on ourselves that we loose our
ability to see this identity in others.
We begin to be judgmental – that person is lazy, overweight, ugly, the
wrong kind of person, the wrong color and on and on – and God’s voice is drowned
out by our own words and actions.
I AM BAPTIZED! We are reminded today that we have been
claimed by God, accepted into God’s family as children of God, through
Jesus. We have been washed clean of our
sinful self-centeredness by the waters of Baptism, we have been anointed by the
oil and marked with the cross of Christ forever and we are called to let our
lights shine forth. In the small
catechism Luther is quite clear that Baptism is at the foundation of our lives
as Christians and he encourages us to constantly find ways of remembering,
recalling, and making present now our baptismal experience. The feel of water, the making of the sign of
the cross all help ground us in our identity as children of God. You are God’s beloved, with you God is
well-pleased! I AM BAPTIZED! This is who
you are – a beloved child of God!
Art by the incredible artist - HeQi
This sermon was inspired by a chapter in "Pastrix" by Pr. Nadia Boltz-Weber
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