Some musings about prayer

(Pr. Duncan wrote this in response to a question about the understanding of prayer is for a Christian believer): First of all, how we think of prayer is directly related to our understanding of God. If we see God as a "Santa Claus" or a Vending Machine or a Master Puppeteer or a distant omniscient God then it will affect how we shape our prayer life. I am not being flip. The fact is that way too many have such very limited and one dimensional unde rstandings of God / Jesus. But God transcends all of our imagination and part of the challenge is for us to discard our way too simple ways of understanding who God is and open our minds to embrace a God that is way beyond our comprehension but still accessible through Jesus, the one who is God incarnate. Another important thing to keep in mind is that we modern Christians tend to be very cerebral about our faith and our prayer. For many of us it is all about thought or thinking and often too rarely about action. In the ancien...