John Series #12 – The Passion of Jesus – John 18-19

Jesus’ ministry is now over. The Incarnation, the en-fleshing of God is also coming to an end as Jesus moves from the last supper to the garden where he will be arrested and the events of the Passion will begin to unfold. Before this though Jesus has performed one more sign and then interpreted this sign for his disciples. In many ways this final sign – the foot washing – brings together all of the other signs along with Jesus’ entire ministry. This sign helps us all to see that it all comes down to one thing: LOVE. Earlier in the Gospel we had met Nicodemus who was struggling to understand what in the world Jesus was doing. Jesus told him – “God loves the world so much that those who believe, those who are in relationship with God will remain – will Abide – in this love of God’s forever!” Now the sign, the foot-washing, is a sign of this love that Jesus, God en-fleshed has for the disciples and for the world. “A new commandment I...