John #5 – The Tale of Two Disciples: The Encounter at Noon – John 4:5-42

It was a hot and dusty day. Jesus and his disciples were on the road again and, as usual, Jesus walked with a purpose; he knew where he was going. He was headed to Jerusalem, but this time he had decided to travel right through the heart of Samaria. The disciples I suspect were probably unhappy and uncomfortable with this trip. There are, after all, other ways to get to Jerusalem without going through Samaria, but Jesus had specifically chosen this route, and here they were near the town of Sychar, right near the Samaritan holy place: Mount Gerizim. It was not easy traveling through Samaria, not only was the terrain rough and mountainous but there was such bitter hatred and animosity between Judeans, like Jesus and the disciples, and Samaritans. The conflict went back several hundred years. Samaritans were Hebrews as well, descendants from 10 of the tribes of Israel. Judeans were descendants from the other two of those tribes. Their principal ...