Reflections on the Lessons – Epiphany III – Jonah and Mark 1

Read the texts here: Jonah 3:1-10 and Mark 1:14-20 CALL Both of the lessons today deal with the issue of call . In the Gospel, Jesus calls the fishermen Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John. “Follow me,” he says, and they leave everything and follow him. This lesson is contrasted by the lesson from the reluctant prophet Jonah, who also received a call from the Lord God: “Go!” “And then away in the opposite way he went.” It is also interesting to note that Mark makes it clear throughout the Gospel that these disciples really didn’t know what they were getting into. They have preconceived ideas of who Jesus is and what he wants from them that turn out to be completely wrong. One wonders if the disciples actually understood more from the beginning if they would have been so willing to leave their nets and follow. Jonah on the other hand seems to have a pretty good idea of not only what is expected of him, but what the r...