Reflections on the text – Genesis 37 – Joseph, Part I

Read the text here: Genesis 37 Read the Gospel here: Matthew 16:21-28 In the Pits We have finally come to the final story in Genesis of Joseph. This story will leave the people of Israel – the descendants of Abraham and Sarah in Egypt at the end and get us ready for the stories in Exodus. But for now, let us remember that way back at the beginning of the cycles, in chapter 12, God spoke to Abraham and gave him a promise: 1. You will be a great nation, your descendants will be as numerous as the stars (repeated in chapter 16); 2. I will be with you and will bless you unconditionally; 3. All of this so that you and your descendants might be a blessing to others. Then we saw how the stories that followed focused on and worked through this promise. The stories of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac all centered around the 1 st part of the promise, securing an heir to carry on the promise. The Jacob, Esau, Rebekah, Laban, Leah a...