Reflections on the text – Genesis 29:15-28

Read the text here: Genesis 29:15-28 What Goes Around… We are about halfway through the Jacob cycle and it might be a good time to pause and consider where we are in the story. We began this entire set of stories with God speaking to Abraham – 1. you will be a great nation; 2. you will be blessed; 3. so that you will be a blessing to the nations. This promise is at the foundation of the entirety of all three narratives. With the Jacob cycle we have shifted the focus from the concern of securing the inheritance and having children of promise to the issue of blessing. And Isaac, Rebekah, Esau and Jacob have all bought into the belief that God’s blessings are scarce and unique. This consequently fuels the conflict that divides this family. Jacob tricks Esau into giving up his birthright (which would have included the blessing – Genesis 25); Jacob and Rebekah conspire to deceive and steal Isaac’s blessing for Esau (Genesis 27); Esau is so...