Reflections on the text for Ascension – Acts 1:6-14

Read the text here: Acts 1:1-14 Endings and Beginnings In the early years of the church through most of history the Feast of the Ascension held as important a place in the lives of worshippers as did Christmas. In fact, in some ways it was more important. But falling as it does on the 40 th day after Easter, which is always on a Thursday, means that the day never cycles around to Sunday like most of the rest of our festivals. So as we have entered into the modern world the Feast of the Ascension has been lost and goes uncelebrated by most Christians, unless it is moved to the 7 th Sunday of Easter. This is a loss because the ancients had it right – Ascension is essential to not only our understanding of our faith, but also to our living as disciples in this world. For the event of the Ascension is THE pivotal event in the story of Jesus for the church. For Luke, the author of the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts, this story was so i...