Reflections on Easter - Matthew 28:1-10

Read the text here: Matthew 28:1-10 Resurrection – Surprised by Hope! The title is partly borrowed from N.T. Wright’s incredible book “Surprised by Hope!” Jesus was dead – completely dead! No question about this. The Romans had made sure of it before they removed Jesus from the cross and there were witnesses including some of the women and the disciple John to the reality of Jesus’ death. Joseph of Arimathea also could have seen that Jesus was dead when he had him wrapped in burial clothes and placed in the tomb. Everyone in the story knew this and this meant some kind of an ending for everyone. For the Romans and the leaders of the Temple it meant the end of this troublemaker, this messianic pretender; the end of the one who challenged their power and authority and wealth and privilege. Now these men whose priorities and way of life represent the power of death were free to continue as they had. Jesus’ death is further c...