Reflections on the text - The Presentation of Our Lord - Luke 2:22-40

Read the text here: Luke 2:22-40 Endless Loop of Darkness Many of us I expect are familiar with the 1993 Bill Murray film “Groundhog Day” about an obnoxious TV weatherman who gets stuck reliving Groundhog Day, Feb. 2 in Punxsutawney, PA on Groundhog Day, Feb. 2 over and over again. No matter what he does every day is the same day that he has to redo over and over and over. It is as if he has to get it right until he will be allowed to move on finally to Feb. 3. He is gotten stuck in an endless loop, destined to continue on and on into eternity. This film is a comedy, but it seems to me in many ways this film understands and presents a basic truth of the human condition. Our “Sin,” that is our self-centeredness, has caused us all to fall into an endless loop of darkness. And it seems as though we cannot escape no matter what we do. As a result we find ourselves spiraling deeper and deeper into the darkness, estranged from God...