Reflections on Matthew 2 - Christmas I

Read all of Matthew 2 here: Matthew 2 "The Slaughter of the Innocents" by the peasants of the Solentiname Community in Nicaragua - c. 1980's - A companion to Ernesto Cardinal's "The Gospel in Solentiname" Herod the King One of the great joys of Christmas is to hear the story and to be reacquainted with the many characters which have become beloved over the centuries – Mary, Joseph, Gabriel the Archangel, the heavenly host of angels, the shepherds and the Magi (Wise Men / Kings). Even the animals that have become associated with the story have a place in our hearts. But there is one important character in the story who is almost always ignored and this is King Herod the Great. As the story of the birth is told in the Gospel of Matthew Herod is a central character and is the principal mover in chapter 2. Chapter 2 of the Gospel of Matthew begins after the birth of Jesus, which is reported in the very last verse of cha...