Advent IA - 2014 - Images of the Kingdom - PLOW

This year for a series of sermons for Advent I have decided to take the suggestion of Dr. Barbara Lundblad and focus on the images which come out of the Isaiah texts for the season in year A. Her suggestion is offered in this article found on the Working Preacher website: Barbara Lundblad - Isaiah 2 To read the Isaiah 2 text click here: Isaiah 2:1-5 Images of the Kingdom: The Plow Last weekend we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King on the last Sunday of our church year and this week for the 1 st Sunday in the new church year we focus on the Kingdom of God over which Christ is King. Understanding the Kingdom of God often leads to as much confusion as understanding what it means that Christ is King. Last week we talked about how Jesus upsets our usual understandings of Kingship – instead of a golden crown, Jesus wears a crown of thorns; instead of a magnificent throne, Jesus is enthroned on a cross; instead of beautiful rob...