Reflections from the Pastor: For All the Saints: Witnessing for Jesus

Read the Acts passage here: Acts 1:1-11 For All the Saints: Witnessing for Jesus I suspect that the title of this sermon/reflection might have surprised some of you. “Witnessing” is not a word that Lutherans use very often. In fact, the idea of “witnessing for Jesus” makes many of us Lutherans just a little uncomfortable. But why is that? I suspect that it is because that the word has been co-opted in ways that refer to a very specific kind of behavior, and this behavior makes us very uncomfortable. For most of us, the word “witnessing” refers to a type of in your face, aggressive religious marketing. “Witnessing” makes us think of people going door to door, or passing out tracts or coming up to us at a mall or some outdoor event and essentially saying – “You need to believe what I believe, otherwise you are going to be lost forever.” Scare tactics and belligerence, my way or the highway – all of these come to mind when we th...