Reflections on the Text – Luke 10:38-42:

Serving and Sitting? This story of Mary and Martha appears only in the Gospel of Luke, but yet it is one of the most memorable stories in all of the Gospels. While both Mary and Martha appear in the Gospel of John (along with their brother Lazarus) the John episodes are completely of a different character and intensity (the Raising of Lazarus, Martha’s confession and Mary’s anointing). In Luke the story appears as a break in the action. Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, he is teaching along the way in parables. In chapter 10 immediately before this little episode Jesus has told the story of the Good Samaritan. Following this episode Jesus will teach the disciples to pray, presenting the Lord’s Prayer and continue with more parables. Here in these few verses at the end of chapter 10 Jesus, his disciples (and we the readers) get to take a break, enjoy some 1 st century hospitality and have a meal (and remember in Luke Jesus is alway...