Making Sense of Revelation - Part II

Throughout the season of Easter we have been reading a series of lessons from the book of the Revelation of John. These lessons will continue through May 12 – Easter 7. So far we have had the opportunity to explore a series of passages from chapters 1, 4 and 7 and then there is a jump to the end of the book – to chapters 21 and 22. So, our lectionary skips over chapters 8 through 19, which contain some of the most vivid and also difficult visions in the book. It is this part of the Apocalypse that includes the 7 trumpets, the 7 plagues, the beasts, the great harlot and the great battle. It is this section of the book that also has prompted some of the most outrageous interpretations. Hal Lindsay and the “Left Behind” series have managed to see nuclear war and attack helicopters in this part of the book. And many others point to these chapters a biblical proof that God will utterly destroy the earth and all those who ...