Reflections on the text – Lent II – Genesis 15:1-11, 17-18

Read the text here: Genesis 15:1-18 Waiting Don’t you hate to wait? Someone promises they will do something, or take you somewhere and you have to wait for it to happen. For most of us waiting is synonymous with impatience. We don’t want to wait – we want whatever it is right now! Thank you very much! Bear this in mind as you read through chapter 15 of our Old Testament lesson for this morning, for Abraham is a model of impatient waiting. Back in Chapter 12 God called Abraham and his wife Sarah to uproot themselves and begin a journey to a far off land that God promises to give to him. So far, so good! Abraham and Sarah do come into the land and settle. But it is the other part of the promise that is the problem. God promises that Abraham and Sarah will be a great nation and that the children of Israel will be their heirs for both the promise and the land. But there is a problem – Abraham and Sarah are barre...