Reflections on the Gospel – Luke 2:41-52 - Christmas I

Read the text here: Luke 2:41-52 --> We do not have much information about Jesus’ childhood. In fact the Gospel lesson for the 1 st Sunday after Christmas – Luke 2:41-52 – is about all. Of course we would be curious about what Jesus was like and what kinds of experiences he might have had when he was a child. This natural curiosity prompted the creation of a book called The Infancy Gospel of Thomas in the 3 rd or 4 th centuries. The book pretends to have been written by the disciple Thomas, but is a rather fantastic set of stories that make Jesus sound more like the pre-Hogwarts Harry Potter who didn’t know how to use his power and ended up causing all kinds of havoc as a result. As fun as this book is to read, we can glean nothing about Jesus from it. So we really only know two things about Jesus’ childhood for certain. The first is that Jesus grew up in Nazareth that at that time was a small village. Nearby, ...