Reflections on the Gospel – Luke 21:25-36

Read the text here: Luke 21:25-36 Hope: Waiting and Watching Patience! How are you with patience? Do you mind waiting for things that you want and enjoy? How long can you wait? It seems as though we Americans in particular do not deal well with waiting. We are an instant gratification people. We want what we want now! So for some of us waiting in line at a store or at the movies, or waiting at the doctor’s office, or sitting in traffic can be a very, very stressful experience. We want to get on with it already! We want to get into the future, and consequently many of us are very impatient with the present. The result of this is that we end up missing the present. We live in the future, never the present. The present becomes then only a path to the future that is always in the process of becoming, but we never quite get there. As we wait impatiently and anxiously for the future, we completely miss the pres...