St. Michael and All Angels!

Angels Among Us Have YOU ever seen an angel? Have you ever heard an angel? Spoken with an angel or been touched by an angel? I know, we modern, intellectual early 21st century types have little use for angels. Sure, we put them on our Christmas trees and enjoy the once a year emphasis on angels that usually accompanies our traditional celebrations of Christmas. But, do we really believe in angels? Or, perhaps the real question is - do angels have any relevance in our post-modern society? I confess - believe in angels! Not only that, but I think angels have relevance in contemporary Christianity and in contemporary society; not only that, while I've never seen a being wearing a white robe and flying with wings, I believe that I have seen angels, I have heard and spoken with angels and I have been touched by them - and, I believe you have too. So allow me start with a couple popular misconceptions about angels: ...