Reflections from the Pastor – Song of Songs 2:8-13

Read the text here: Song of Songs 2:8-13 Song of Love Last week we concluded our series on King David with the dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem by David’s son and successor, King Solomon (I Kings 8). That temple stood for close to 400 years before it was completely destroyed by the Babylonians. It was later rebuilt after the Persians conquered Babylon and the 2 nd Temple stood for over 500 years before it was finally and permanently destroyed by the Romans in the year 70 (A.D.). It is hard to overstate the importance of the Temple in the life of the people of Israel. The Temple was the center of their religious and civic life. You can see the centrality of the Temple just by reading through any of the Gospels. Jesus’ final week was spent in and around the (2 nd ) Temple. Jesus cleared the moneychangers from the Temple courtyard; Jesus taught in various parts of the Temple; Jesus’ trial before the Council of Elders (The...