Reflections on “David & Bathsheba” – II Samuel 11:1-15

Read the text here: II Samuel 11:1-15 Sinner and Saint We began this series back in June with a lesson from I Samuel 8 – Israel Demands a King. In this passage the prophet Samuel explains to the people of Israel what the consequences of having a King would be: These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you… he says, and then he goes on to list a series of potential abuses of power that the people should expect from their human king. Included in the list is conscription for the army in order to engage in endless (and pointless) wars, excessive taxation, the appropriation of land, and the taking sons and daughters to use as he sees fit. The people push all of this aside and demand a king anyway – so they can be like the nations! (See I Sam 8:10-22) And in our lesson today – in the very well known story of David and Bathsheba – we see that Samuel’s predictions are coming true. David has become a petty despot and a tyrant who uses ...