Reflections on the Gospel – John 20:19-31

Read the text here: John 20:19-31 Poor Thomas. Over the last 2000 years we have come to know the disciple Thomas as “doubting Thomas” because of this one episode in the Gospel of John. “Unless I see… and touch… and place my hands… I will not believe,” says Thomas. One can hardly blame him. After all, the other disciples have not exactly been paragons of faith. Judas betrayed Jesus, Peter denied he even knew Jesus and the others? Well, our text tells us they are hold up in a secret room hiding with the door locked! Not exactly a testimony of great faith. These disciples (or at least some of them) had seen Jesus tortured and crucified. They knew he was dead. They had seen him do amazing miracles including raising Lazarus, and they had heard him predict his own resurrection. But of course we know that they really didn’t seem to pay much attention to that. And affecting ones own resurrection is quite a differe...