Reflections on the Gospel: Mark 1:9-15

Lent I - Endings and Beginnings Back to chapter 1 on this the first Sunday in Lent. We have heard this same text now probably 4 or 5 times since the 1 st Sunday in Advent. But each time there is something new, something unique that emerges from the text. I do believe, however, that this is the last time we will encounter this particular text in year B of the lectionary. Finally, in Lent we will move into the remainder of the Gospel, because now that we are on the road to Jerusalem; the road to the crucifixion. Jesus’ ministry has now begun. It has been a difficult beginning in many ways. The pace is so fast in this Gospel that it is easy to read past some many important details. And on this 1 st Sunday in Lent the focus is on the details that are contained in verses 14 and 15: Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to the Galilee proclaiming the Good News of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom has come near...