Reflections on the Gospel – Mark 13:24-37

Read the text here: Mark 13:24-37 Keep Awake! Be Prepared! The Lord is coming! These themes of the season of Advent are also themes of this passage in the Gospel of Mark. Last week we finished our experience of the Gospel of Matthew with the prophecy of the Sheep and the Goats from Matthew 25; this week we begin our year of Mark with a passage from the heart of what is called the “Little Apocalypse” in Mark. Last week Matthew gives us a rather unambiguous teaching on the Last Judgment and the centrality of Faith in Action; this week Mark gives us a very ambiguous look into the future to the Day of the Lord and what our response is to be. What in the world is this all about? First, a definition is in order - the word: Apocalypse. The word itself comes from a Greek word which literally means “lifting the veil” or “revelation.” The first of these definitions is especially important and relevant for Mark because the climactic event in Mark’s telling...