Reflections on the Parable – Matthew 22:1-14

Ok, Back to Parables for the last four weeks of the church year. All of these four parables have been classified as “Parables of Judgment.” And, to make matters more complex, this week we have the first of two Wedding Banquet parables. So – wedding banquet/judgment = all rolled up into one parable. Read the text of the parable here: Matthew 22:1-14 This parable comes in the middle of Jesus’ contentious debates with the Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians and others who are trying to undermine Jesus so they can get eliminate this troublemaker once and for all. But it is not so easy. Jesus is clever and quick witted and, not only that, but he knows the law backwards and forwards. Besting Jesus in a debate is not working out so well. And to make matters worse Jesus has picked up a large crowd of followers who are hanging on every word! This raises the stakes as well and also threatens riot. So into this highly...