Sacraments -The Foundation: Baptism and Holy Communion

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (St. Matthew 28:20b) With these words the Gospel of St. Matthew’s comes to an end. We began this Gospel with the proclamation of the birth of “Emmanuel” – God with us; and we end with these words from the risen Jesus which conclude the great commission. Jesus says – remember (make present in your life) that I am with you always! What an amazing promise. In the Judaism of Jesus’ time access to God was limited to the temple and to gain access to God’s presence one had to come to the temple and offer a sacrifice and offering. But in Jesus - because of the crucifixion and resurrection, this access is opened up. The risen Jesus is with us now and always and because of this God’s presence is always available. What an amazing gift. But one that we need to remind ourselves of on a regular basis, for I th...