"At Table" - A Sermon Preview for Ordinary 22C - Luke 14:1, 7-14

You can read the Gospel text for Ordinary 22C - St. Luke 14:1, 7-14 HERE! Many years ago I had the opportunity to travel to the Middle East and visit Israel, Jordan and Egypt. There were many wonders to see and some of you have seen a few of my photographs from that trip. While in Jordan we visited the ruins of the ancient city of Jerash (Gerasa in the New Testament). In the center of this city stood a large temple to Athena – the goddess of wisdom. In its day it must have been an amazing structure. It would have been a tall building, with columns and was probably gilded with plate gold. In front of the temple was a large courtyard. The only people who were allowed into the temple were a few priests, everyone else had to remain in the courtyard and hope that the goddess noticed them. The temple was holy ground. Normal, everyday, ordinary, mundane people were not permitted to step on holy ground. In the Gospel lesson for today Jesus is, again, at table at the home of a Phar...