“And God remembers….. and the Rainbow Covenant! - Genesis - Chapters 8 and 9

I encourage you to read Genesis 4:1-16 along with your reading of this blog. Find the NRSV translation of this passage HERE ! “And God remembers….. and the Rainbow Covenant! - Genesis - Chapters 8 and 9 In our survey of the opening 11 chapters of the book of Genesis we have seen that a couple important themes have emerged: 1. God created the good creation and set everything in balance – thereby establishing perfect well-being or Shalom; 2. This is broken because the humans displace God and place themselves in God’s place. This results in the consequence of wandering and ultimately death; 3. God grieves the brokenness of creation and longs to restore it to balance, to Shalom. In the first half of the Noah story from last week we experienced God’s grief and resolve to set creation in balance by re-doing the act of creation. This then leads to God’s opening the heavens and unleashing the forces of chaos to take over the earth again. All is destroyed, except Noah ...