The Apple in the Garden - Genesis 3

I encourage you to read Genesis 3:1-18 along with your reading of this blog. Find the NRSV translation of this passage here! We have begun our study with the pre-history in the book of Genesis. We have looked at and heard the first creation account in chapter 1 – God is the creator of the universe; and the 2 nd creation account in which God creates humanity – man and woman together – and gives them community, environment which brings with it permission to use the garden to sustain life, a prohibition to avoid the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as the consequence will be the ending of life; and it brings with it the vocation of caring for the creation, of being co-creators, of taking responsibility. Today we focus on Chapter 3. The cunning serpent suggests to Eve that there would be no consequences for disobeying God and that if she and Adam eat of the fruit then there will be no more need of God, for they can be like God themselves. In ot...