I believe in the Holy Trinity - One God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit
We don't think much about the Ebionites anymore. In fact, we don't talk or think much about the great heresies of the first few centuries of the Church. True most of us confess the Nicene or Apostle's Creed weekly, and they were created as the direct result or response to some of the great heresies of the early church. But, we don't really concern ourselves much with this. The ELW has eliminated the Athanasian Creed - which was the most polemic of the creeds, but as Pastor Colville-Hanson says in her blog (she's the ice skating Pastor - see below) this is a pity because it has some incredibly beautiful sections. Nevertheless I received a very friendly comment from someone whose screen name is Adam Pastor (see the comments section) and he suggested that I might want to watch a video entitled "Jesus is Human." He seems to think that by watching this video I would be convinced that the Trinity was error once and for all. Well, thank you Pastor Adam...